March 17, 2018- IVWS saw renowned psychiatrist Dr. Sanjay Garg conduct an extremely intense and effective workshop on Child Safety and Security for the faculty members.
Mental health is becoming a cause of concern for school children and parents alike. A child may experience different conditions ranging from anxiety disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, mood disorders to autism. It is often found that parents are unable to identify the signs or symptoms. Dr. Garg thus emphasized the inclusive action of the schools and parents in this regard. The role of teachers and school in helping the child feel secured in the school environment was also extensively discussed.
Physical and emotional safety that recognizes and respects the diversity of children, their strengths, weaknesses, needs and interests were also highlighted in the workshop. Dr. Garg opinionated, the feel and show of empathy is a pre requisite for building a positive, safe and supportive school environment.
The penultimate point of interaction was sexual abuse which encompassed a wide range of topics like inappropriate touch, sexual exploitation and grooming. Dr. Garg outlined few signs and symptoms in children that could mean trouble.
The workshop concluded with an interactive session where Dr. Garg cleared quite a few myths about mental health. He delivered a truly effective and enriching workshop. Team Indus Valley would like to extend gratitude to Dr. Garg for his precious time and the wonderful session.