The students of Indus Valley world School, Kolkata participated in the Robotics Competition on the 25th of August, 2017 at St. Augustine Day School, Kolkata. Anargha Pal(VII – A), Moodita (VII), Roshni Dhar (VII – B), Antareep (VI – D), Eka Narayan (VIII), Chandrima Sarkar (VIII), Shehenaz (VIII) represented the school in this event. A very enriching workshop was conducted by the host school followed by the competition. The resource person at the workshop demonstrated the importance of robots in practical life by showing its application. In our daily lives, robots reduce physical pressure by performing activities such as separation of goods of specific type from a mixture of closely related types, packaging and stamping specific products of a company etc.
After the registration, kits were provided to participants who required making a robot by following a particular set of instructions. The robot needed to be activated so it could walk on the ramp. All the participants tried their level best and made their robots active. The enthusiasm and interest of all the students was truly commendable. IVWS students stood fourth in this competition!
The students of our school enjoyed this extremely informative workshop. Participating in the competition was a great learning experience.