26th August 2015

Held on : September 3, 2012
Venue : IVWS
Event Profile : ‘Yoga’ competition was another event that drew the attention of all at IVWS. Besides chess, yoga is anther CCA that has become part of the syllabus at IVWS. Every child from Grade I to X is part of a Yoga class once in a week. This has been going on for the past four years. The inter-house Yoga competition was held on 3rd Sep. 2012. There were about 60 finalists belonging to Seniors, Juniors and sub juniors. The participants were asked to perform different ‘Asans’ and the judges led by Mr. Tirthankar Nandy of International repute was greatly impressed by the performance of the students. He said, “Some of your students can compete with International competitors”. The Yoga competition was one of the outstanding competitions we had. The above mentioned competition would be followed by many other such events like the Table Tennis tournament, Cricket, Basketball and football tournament etc. All these competitions, games and sports help the students to gain confidence and social maturity and their leadership qualities blossom.

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