The morning began with the flag hoisting ceremony by our Chief Guest Mr.S.V. Raman along with our Principal Ms. Reshma Bhattacharya and School Captain Ishir Narayan. This was followed by the display of a drone created by Aditya Sen of Grade VII who received the Draupadi Devi Khaitan Memorial Award for Innovation from our CEO Sri S.L. Gupta. The programme opened with a breathtaking Yoga display that was followed by dance presentations by the three prize winners from Grade V. Then the prize winners for Sangam from Grades 3-5 were felicitated on stage. The prize distribution was interspersed with songs sung by two students. The programme ended with a brief dance presentation by the students of the Future Hope School who came to specially perform for us. The morning ended with an inspiring speech by our Chief Guest which gave parents and teachers a lot of food for thought. The vote of thanks by our Director Mrs. Amita Prasad was followed by the National Anthem.