Filmit Award Ceremony 2023

06th February 2023

The students of Grades VI- VIII participated in a year long filmmaking programme named Filmit organised by Intach from July 2022 to February 2023. They successfully submitted three of their films which focussed on various themes of art, cultural and material heritage. The event saw a fruitful conclusion in the form of an All India Film Festival which was held on 6th February 2023. Prisha Moitra of Grade VI presented a song which was a summative presentation of their experience throughout the journey. The students were awarded with prizes in the following categories:

1) Best screenplay in art and material heritage.
2) Best documentary film in living heritage.

These awards would not have been possible without the tremendous support and guidance of our photography faculty Mr. Shubham Paul.
We are extremely proud of the hardwork of our students and their creative efforts as this project is a true expression of art integrated education.