CII, a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization facilitated two workshops at IVWS. In keeping with the CII Theme for 2018-19 – ‘India RISE : Responsible. Inclusive. Sustainable. Entrepreneurial- a workshop on ‘Waste Management’ and another on ‘Cyber Security’ was organized for the students of grades VI, VII and VIII.
Mr T K Ghatak an ex GSI officer, currently advisor to Hiland Projects Limited, conducted the workshop on ‘Waste Management’ for students of grade VI. Through an audio-visual presentation, he addressed a number of important issues that need immediate attention. His discourse highlighted various concerns with the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste, together with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process. Students responded to the video as they could identify with many of the activities that were captured in the clip. He left children with food for thought on the issues that were discussed. He also requested the children to transmit their thoughts on paper either in prose, verse or sketch/painting, about what they were taking back from the workshop.
The workshop on ‘Cyber Security’ was conducted by Mr Sandeep Sengupta, Founder / Director of ISOAH Data Securities Pvt. Ltd. (Indian School of Anti Hacking). This session was particularly enriching for he shared information on methods of protecting various social and personal accounts on the internet. This helped children upgrade their technical know-how. Mr Sengupta made it more authentic with live online examples of hacking. He further discussed the different categories of hackers and their premise of work. Students thoroughly enjoyed this session for they were able to identify with the various websites, games and social media sites that Mr Sengupta discussed, in the light of cyber security and ethical hacking.
Both the workshops were enriching in their own respects. IVWS is extremely thankful to CII and the resource persons for their time and expertise.