On November 11, 2024, Indus Valley World School hosted a captivating mime show for students of Grades 3, 4, and 5, conducted by renowned mime artist Kunal Motling, in collaboration with the National School of Drama, organised by Prabha Khaitan Foundation. The performance was an engaging and interactive experience that showcased the art of silent storytelling through expressive gestures, facial expressions, and body movements.
Kunal Motling’s expert performance left the children in awe as they watched creative scenarios unfold, from imaginary objects to humorous situations. The children were actively involved in the session, participating with enthusiasm, mimicking actions, and understanding the depth of communication beyond words. The event proved to be not only entertaining but also educational, encouraging students to explore non-verbal communication and creativity. The show was a huge success, leaving the young audience thrilled and inspired by the power of mime artistry.
This was a part of the week-long celebration of the upcoming Children’s Day by IVWS!