Halloween celebration 30.10.24

31st October 2024
The emboldening of human conscience is made possible through facing the darkest fears and overcoming through collective will and individual determination. 
A team of learners from Grades 5,6,7 fashioned their own experiences through making masks, getting their faces painted and choosing the enwrapment of an ancient mummy at a lively Halloween celebration hosted by the American Center, Kolkata on 30th October 2024. The afternoon was made festive through a generous gifting of sweet treats and an engrossing story-telling session by the inimitable ‘Golpodidi’ Priyanka Chatterjee. While the Grade 5 students found delight in connecting ritualistic conventions with this traditional celebration, their seniors found themselves illustrating lore of delicious dread. The young learners deepened their own sense of togetherness through the bonhomie of the spectral figures and unearthly creatures.